
Eliminating Weight Shift Problems

Weight shift problems affect both low and high handicappers and contribute to pulling, hooking and slicing the ball. In this month’s Mel in Motion video golf tip, Mel demonstrates a surprisingly simple drill that will help you overcome weight shift problems and get better distance with your shots.

Part 1

Stand with your hands apart, and without moving your hips (keep them facing forward), try and touch your read hand to your front hand. You will find that it’s impossible. The only way you can do it is if you bend your front arm. This shows why golfers that have the chicken wing – no hip turn through impact! Now take your rear hand, bring it down past your rear thigh, and allow your hips to turn, clap your hands, and keep both arms straight. This is not a very easy exercise to do.

Part 2

Take a club, take your grip, remove your top hand, and leave your bottom hand in place. Hold your arms outstretched as in Step 1, but you now have a club in your rear hand. Again, left the rear arm drop down to pass your rear thigh and through to your front hand. You will now start to feel the correct weight shift, body rotation, and extension!

Part 3

Finally, take both hands on the club and, with a half swing, go back to the 9 o clock position and swing through to the 3 o clock position emulating the finish you had in Step 2. Once this starts to feel comfortable, you are on your way to Curing weight shift problems. The next step will be a full swing, finishing like Rory McIlroy! Good Job!


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