
Get Your Chipping Setup 100% Correct, 100% Of The Time

The setup in chipping is critical to the outcome of the shot. The ball position, the hand position, and the shoulder position all play an important role in this shot’s success.

The Ball Position

This should be slightly behind the lead foot. Placing the feet together with the ball right in the middle and then turning the feet towards the target without moving the heels puts the ball position slightly behind the lead toe. Once you have done this a few times, the ball position will become automatic!

The Hand Position

The butt of the club (after placing the clubhead behind the ball) should be directly over the lead thigh. This gives the club a forward shaft lean that will help eliminate hitting behind the ball.

The Shoulder Position

The shoulder should be square to the intended line of flight. This allows the clubhead to swing easily back and through in a fairly straight line.


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