
Finding Your Power Source

Looking to get an extra few yards from your swing? Who isn’t? In this month’s Mel In Motion video golf tip, Mel Sole identifies five keys to help you tap into your power and provides a drill that focuses on the center of your power source: hip rotation.

Hip Speed

The hip rotational speed is definitely the easiest way to help create clubhead speed and thus more distance. The credo here is, “Don’t be afraid to exaggerate.” We have spoken in the past about perception and reality. So when you think you are turning your hips at 40 degrees, you are actually turning them at 10 degrees. So if you want to turn your hips at 40 degrees, you have to think 70 degrees!

Core Strength

The hardest one for the average golfer to get right. It requires either some gym work or some core exercises at home three or four times a week. The core strength will help you not only make a better coil but keep your body in a steadfast position on both the backswing and the downswing.

Back Foot Flare

One of the ways to Finding Your Power Source is the rear foot flare. Turning the toe out slightly allows the hips to turn back a little more and, as a result, a far better shoulder turn. A good shoulder turn is a great source of power on the backswing.


The most often misunderstood move in the golf swing, the release allows you to square the clubface at impact. It is the gradual rotation of the clubface from halfway down to halfway through the shot. This move is controlled by the lead forearm and will add 20 to 30 yards to a tee shot if done correctly.



Get More Power From Your Swing


Proper Hip Movement = More Powerful Golf Swing