Golf is a Key change in Veterans Lives.

Golf is a Key change in Veterans Lives.

Hi, I’m Mel Sole, Director of Instruction at the Mel Sole Golf School, headquartered at Pawleys Plantation Golf and Country Club in Pawleys Island, SC.  We conduct 1, 2, and 3-day golf schools, hourly golf lessons, and senior golf schools—any golf instruction program your heart desires. Give us a call at 800-624-4653 or 843-237-4993.  We will be happy to book a commuter school or a package that contains accommodations, golf, and golf school.

Golf Blog by the Mel Sole Golf School.

We owe our Veterans a huge debt of gratitude.

Every day brave soldiers risk their lives so we can go about our daily lives without fear.  Soldiers go to war to protect the freedom and democracy of the USA. We owe our Veterans a huge debt of gratitude.  This story by Joshua Peyton, President of the Veteran Golfers Association, gives us an insight and true perspective of what these people go through once they return home.  Golf is a catalyst for many, and I think we should support them in any way we can.

Golf is a Key change in Veterans Lives.

There are a group of heroes in our country that need your assistance. These amazing men and women come from all walks of life - poor, wealthy, educated, and not. However, they all share two things in common - courage to defend our country and passion for the game of golf.

Every 65 seconds, a veteran in our country commits suicide!

These veterans are facing some challenges though. Every 65 minutes, a veteran in our country commits suicide. Out of 2.7 million Vietnam soldiers that returned from war, 150,000 of them took their own lives. Since 9/11, the Department of Veterans Affairs reports 10,000 mental health requests from veterans a month due to PTSD, TBIs, and other combat related causes. How can we as a society help these heroes?

Please take a moment to watch this short video

To read the rest of this patriotic story from Joshua Peyton, President, Veteran Golfers Association, go here.

Source: Joshua Peyton   AT&T  Mel Sole Golf School

Thanks for watching - Golf is a Key change in Veterans Lives.  We thank them all for their selfless service!

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