
Stretching For Your Best Game

Learn Mel’s personal stretching drill in this month’s Mel in Motion video golf tip. Do this routine before your warm-up to relax your back and hip muscles, and get set to play your best golf.

Below are two of the pre-round stretches I use. This is not the full routine. To see the full routine, type either “golf exercises” or “stretching” in the box in the top right-hand corner of every page and browse these stretches and exercises.

Going online and checking out some of the top fitness experts in the US. Here is a great link to the Top 50 Golf Fitness Trainers in the US. You should be able to get some great ideas from them!

Basic stretches Pre-Round

Stretches Pre-Round on the driving range would include your back, hamstrings and lats. Basically, all the big muscles of the body. The best pre-round stretching routine I have ever seen is Miguel Angel Jimenez’s stretching routine. If you have never seen it, check it out here on youtube right here.

Using the Orange Whip

The Orange Whip is a training device that I use before every round of golf. I do not use it to increase my clubhead speed, I use the Speed Sticks for that, but the Orange Whip helps me stretch my golf muscles and loosens me up pre-round.


SuperSpeed Golf Report March 2018


Basic Stretches